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Application for Presentation for IAST Online Members Portal

As one of the benefits of membership to IAST, we are providing free online sandtray trainings to all of our members. All trainings would be recorded in a webinar fashion, with the presenter talking over the slides/pictures of sandtrays. We are open to other methods of presentations but this is what seems to work best for online trainings.
Only those who are current members of IAST are eligible to be presenters for the online trainings.
By completing the training, not only will we provide a stipend of $100 per hour, but more importantly, you\’ll gain access to dedicated sandtray therapy enthusiasts from all over the world.
Once you submit an application for a presentation, you will be notified shortly of your presentation status.
Payment will be provided after the online training is completed and received by the IAST.

*We would like for presentations to be completed within 2-3 weeks from approval date (time between submission date and approval date will be short.)

*You will need at least 3-5 scholarly references at the time of submission of your training.